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Tuesday, November 22, 2016

SWAT pillow

Friday we had our first snow in SW Minnesota, which was also the first blizzard of the winter. So what better way to usher in winter then with a pillow featuring a..... mosquito?

You have to admit he's kinda cute, for a mosquito. 

This pillow, SWAT!, was a kit from Fabrics Plus, and it features the Quilt Minnesota 2016 fabrics. Yes, I've had this kit since Aug. Yes, I waited until the first blizzard to make it. Yes, it makes total sense in my head. 

There was some extremely cute mosquito fabric, which sold out quickly in the LQS, I believe. I find that funny, since we spend months "swatting" the suckers. On the other hand I used cute and mosquito in the same sentence, twice, so....

I did a quick in the ditch quilting job around the pieced border and an echo around the mosquito, and left the rest. I stitched down the applique, but only because I have a dog, a couple of cats, a few kids and a husband. The chances of this not needing to be washed are pretty slim. 

I had this fun idea to photograph this pillow out in the snow. 

Hahaha, yeah, that didn't work. My 17 year old said driving after a blizzard feels like learning to drive all over again. Apparently, photographing after a blizzard, is the same. These are the two best shots, the others are even more laughable.

Happy Stitching!

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Linked - bigger and better

I have updated "Linked," the third pattern in the PBJ family and added 3 more sizes to the pattern. So it is indeed, bigger and better. 

The quilt on the back.

With introducing a change, I thought I would play with some color options. A beautiful fall day had me going with autumnal colors to start.

You can also choose to do just two colors.

Changing the background color can really change the look as well.

If you have purchased a "Linked" pattern before the size additions, you can go to the Pattern Add Ons page and download the information for fabric requirements and cutting needs to make a larger quilt.

Haven't had the chance to purchase "Linked"? You can go to my Etsy shop, or check out the Shops/Distributors page.

One more, because I always have to have an option in purple.

Happy Stitching!

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Winter Cheer

I'm excited to introduce "Winter Cheer," the eighth pattern in the Patterns By Jen family.

There are two options, Holly and Snowflake, with two sizes for each.

Four large blocks make up the center of the quilt with a bit of applique. Surround it with a quick piano key type border, and a last border with a bit more applique and you have a fabulous quilt to snuggle under during these cold winter months. 

The testers made some great test quilts as well.

Sherra made the classic red and green. Up on the wall or backed with a soft minky for a little one to snuggle under. This makes me think Christmas-y thoughts.

Joanne made the wallhanging sized Snowflake version. Her plan is to have her grandchildren make snowflakes, which she will then transfer to the quilt. Everybody say, "Awwwwww!!!"

Sharon made this awesome red version of the Snowflake. I can see myself snuggling under this one with a hot cup of cocoa. Think she will send it to me? ;)

This quilt is perfect for a fun binding. I used this pretty stripe on my snowflake quilt. Just a fun little touch to finish off a fun quilt. 

Let me introduce you to the newest store to carry PBJ patterns: My Timeless Day  I am excited to share my patterns with her, and a little birdy told me she likes to kit patterns.  Are you as excited as I am to see what she comes up with?

Winter Cheer to all.

Happy Stitching!


Sunday, November 6, 2016

Meet the testers

Don't look now, but it's a new blog post! It is hard to find things to write about when you are testing new patterns and can't really share anything.

Pinwheel Pizzazz

It is the month of November, which means a month of Thanksgiving for me. So lets talk about something I am forever grateful for. The testers of PBJ!

These ladies do a great job of double checking the instructions, math, illustrations, everything, in the hopes that we don't have any issues. Lets meet them.

Kelly - She has tested Spinning Bow Ties, Frayed Edges and Squared Off (coming soon). She is also the major talent behind the great cover photos of PBJ patterns. 
You can find her blog at Handmade Boy, on Facebook at Handmade Boy and on Instagram at handmade_boy.

Sandy - She has tested Spinning Bow Ties, Linked, Cartwheels on the Prairie, Star Light, Star Bright Sampler, Criss Crossing, Frayed Edges, Squared Off (coming soon), Quilt Crush (coming soon).

Spinning Bow Ties

Joanne - She has tested Cartwheels on the Prairie, Star Light, Star Bright Sampler, Winter Cheer (coming soon), Squared Off (coming soon), Quilt Crush (coming soon). 
You can find her blog at Quilts By Joanne and on Instagram at turtlequilterjo.

Kathy - She has tested Frayed Edges, Winter Cheer (coming soon) and Squared Off (coming soon).
You can find her blog at Kathy's Kwilts and More and on Instagram at kathyskwiltsandmore.

Sherra - She has tested Winter Cheer (coming soon), Squared Off (coming soon), Quilt Crush (coming soon).
You can find her on Facebook at Munchkin Quilting and Baby Supplies and on Instagram at munchkinquilting.

Dedee - She has tested Frayed Edges and Squared Off (coming soon)

Hyde - She has tested Star Light, Star Bright Sampler and Frayed Edges

Sharon - Winter Cheer (coming soon)

Melissa - Squared Off (coming soon)

Kari - Criss Crossing (a McCall's Quick Quilts publication)

Kristi - Cartwheels on the Prairie 


I never think I am perfect, but when you make a pattern multiple times, you feel as if you have it all under control. However, I always miss something, or someone reads the instructions differently, and these ladies catch almost everything. They are amazing. Thank you so much ladies!!

Periodically I put out a tester call here on the blog, my facebook page Patterns By Jen and Instagram at patternsbyjen. If you are intrested keep an eye out for those calls.  The next tester call will probably  go out after Christmas, with patterns going out January 1st, 2017! 

Happy Stitching!

Winter Cheer