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Friday, July 3, 2015

First Finish It Friday

Welcome to those coming over from Crazy Mom Quilts. This is my first Link Up, as well as the first time I am participating in Finish It Friday.

The project I chose to complete was a little UFO sitting in my "To Be Quilted" bin, aka 5 gallon Rubbermaid tote. (Yes, I have a 5 gallon tote full of just flimsys waiting to be quilted. Lets not talk about the tote full of UFO's. Shhhhh) But this little patriotic flimsy fits perfectly with the weekend of July 4th. And that means I will have some patriotic decor this year.

This little wall hanging has been waiting almost 10 years to be quilted. Can you imagine? Poor thing. I pieced it when we lived in South Dakota, we moved to MN in 2007... I used the pattern from this book:

Americana Country from Debbie Mumm

Have you ever started your machine quilting, determined to do something different? You make your plan, you stick to the plan, things are looking good...

and then, instead of doing that meandering star pattern you planned, you go right back to your faithful stippling.

I'm not saying that happened to me but it did.

The problem with finishing up a UFO can be finding the right binding. Fortunately, when I opened my fabric bin, there it was, the perfect blue for the binding.

I love this fabric. Love it. I've used it in small doses in other projects and I still have over 2 yards. Love it. I may also have it in red...

The blue also worked with the cute backing fabric I chose. I know you don't get to see the back of a wallhanging/banner, but really, how could I not use this.

It was fun to find this piece and finish it. Now to work on my photo taking skills and presentation.

Happy 4th of July!


  1. Love it! It looks very great..Love the ribbon you used to hang it.

  2. Such a cute wall hanging!! It feels so great to finish up a project. Your time frame doesn't make me feel so bad about the quilt I have had waiting five years to quilt.

    1. Never feel bad about it! And if you ever do, I'm sure I can did another one out that is even older. ;)

  3. Finished is finished no matter how far from the start it is. Great job. perfect for this weekend.


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