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Monday, August 15, 2016

Crossroads Quilt Along - Chain block

I just want to say, I've had these blocks done for a few days, I just couldn't  find time to write about them. So yes, I was slightly late, but not as late as it seems. ;) That being said, I am scheduling this post for the 15th, the day the last set of instructions comes out. 

18 chain blocks. Whew!! There is still time to join the Crossroads Quilt Along from Fat Quarter Shop, and you can still donate to the March of Dimes.

I've been keeping all my extras, and I was able to pull these for the center blocks from them. I had to cut a piece for the pink strawberry and green floral, but I'm going to have some extra fabric to play with. Darn. 

I love a pile of freshly cut squares.

There are more seams to sew just a thread over from your drawn line. It really does make a difference. 

How do you catch your chain piecing? I have a basket that my sewing just falls into as I go so it doesn't hit the floor. I love picking up that basket of pieces. 

When sewing pieces together like Flying geese, or Square in a square, I try to always have that piece facing up, so I can see where I am stitching and not lose my point.

Beautiful chain blocks to finish up our blocks.

Happy Stitching!


  1. Love the basket idea...mine usually fall onto my dog!

  2. Those blocks are so pretty! And I love the idea of the basket to catch your chains. It would be like getting a present each time you get to stop and pick up the basket. Gotta find me a basket to use...


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