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Thursday, August 25, 2016

Snowflake Shimmer Quilt Along - update 2

I am all done with the first set of piecing instructions for the Snowflake Shimmer Quilt Along from Quilting Jetgirl, Yvonne. This has been so easy, you can easily catch up and follow along.

Three of my finished blocks. Yes, I really am done with all of them, but do you really want me to take a picture of blocks that are all the same? I didn't think so. 

This picture is even more fun! A couple of long pieces, sewn together, very exciting. Actually, as I've said before, I could look at this purple all day, so of course I had to share it again. Plus, I really did finish all of the pieces, and it feels weird not to have them pictured. 

I can't wait for the next set of instructions...that come out tomorrow. Guess I won't have to wait long!

Don't forget that I am having a giveaway that ends Friday night at 11:59 pm CST. You can find details here on how to win my newest pattern, Frayed Edges.

Happy Stitching!


  1. Oh, your fabric is definitely fun to look at! I am so excited to see the quilts taking shape and I am eager to share more soon! :)

  2. Wonderful fabric and you're making great progress!


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