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Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Frayed Edges ~ A Blogger's Quilt Festival Original Design Entry

 Amy at Amy's Creative Side is once again hosting the Blogger's Quilt Festival. This is the first year I have joined in the fun, and I am entering my Frayed Edges pattern into the Original Design category.

Frayed Edges is one of those quilts that started off as one idea and then morphed into it's own beautiful self. I start all of my patterns on graph paper, so when I put them into my program, currently the old EQ5, I will find that the original design causes a much better second design, which then becomes THE design. In this instance, those half square triangles were actually in the middle of the block, but when the block was put into the program, they ended up framing the squares beautifully.

To see other colorways from my testers you can find the original post here.

When I sent the quilts to the photographer I had every intention of having the red quilt as the front cover quilt. I love the red, but the blue won out, simply because of the bright, crisp feeling it gave off.

My photographer, Kelly, is such a huge contributor to PBJ. She not only takes amazing photos, she also sews amazing clothes. You can find her here. She lugs around a million pounds of fabric, otherwise known as quilts, multiple days to multiple locations, just to grab the perfect shot to show off the quilt.

When the quilt is bigger then the chosen spot, or...

when the sun doesn't cooperate (as in, shines fully on the quilt when just moments before it was behind clouds), she will still get that perfect shot. She makes me look good. 

This quilt comes in three sizes: 56x74, 74x92, 84x111
The blue and white was quilted in an allover snowflake pattern, the red in a floral.
You can choose to fussy cut the center squares (as I did for the blue and white) or follow the strip piecing as I did for the red.

Make sure to go back and check out the other entries and vote for your favorite!

New to PBJ? You may like to check out my Picked By Jen section and/or find out a little bit more about me here and here. I have a couple of free patterns, here, one that would be a quick sew if you need something for fall. Thank you so much for stopping by!

Happy Stitching!


  1. Been loving the blue and white quilt....but think I might love the red floral even more! They are both so beautiful! 👍🏼 Jen!!!

    1. Thank you, Jayne! They are even prettier in person. ;)

  2. Glad to see it in the festival! Great design!

  3. Neat pattern. Love it in blue and white.


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