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Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Quilting Unit Chart and Calculator Round Up

Have you ever found yourself in need of some quilty math help?

My answer would be, "All the time." I have a lot of numbers running through  my head, and usually running together, so here are the calculators that I regularly turn to for help. I like to make my units oversized and then trim to perfection, and the pages I use for help all have calculations for that.

Half Square Triangles

For Half Square Triangels (HST) I haven't found a chart I like. It's fairly simple though, I add 1" to the *finished* size HST I want. Here is my chart: 

Go here to see how I make and square up my HST units.

Flying Geese Units

This chart is for the No Waste Flying Geese method. She tells you how much to add or making your geese a little larger for trimming.

Go here to see how I trim my FG units. I use the Wing Clipper and it comes with a handy size chart that is downloadable from Studio 180 Design as well.

Hourglass Units

This chart is for Hourglass units, again from Generations Quilt Patterns.  She tells how much extra to add if you like to trim.

Square in a Square

My go to has been Quilter's Paradise calculator. Plug in your number and get a quick answer.
*note this gives exact measurements, not larger*

For larger units to trim to perfection I use:
 Quiltville and Bonnie Hunter. The chart she provides is for the Easy Angle ruler, but she also provides measurements for the rotary cut, which is what I use. 

Setting triangles


I head back to Generations for Setting Triangles for On Point quilts.

Quarter Square Triangles

I love HST units, but I'm really starting to fall in love with the Quarter Square Triangles, shhhh don't tell.

Traditional quilts will probably always be my favorite, and these units are all my go to for making beautiful quilts.  If you have favorite calculators or charts, please share in the comments!

Star Light Star Bright Sampler

Happy Stitching!

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  1. Wow, Jen this is so great to have so many calculations in one place. Thank you very much!

  2. Device transformation is the procedure of transforming both the conventional components in 1 sort into the following based to this demand. The demand for its simple transformation has ever existed from the various areas for distinct functions. Many internet instruments and Unit Converter can be found and these are able to be depended on for practically any conversions now. Using all these tools that the intricate emotional calculation might be averted and accurate and quick results might be found.


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