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Thursday, May 31, 2018

Playful Pillows with Island Batik

This month's challenge for the Island Batik Ambassadors was to make a "Playful Pillow."

My "playful" pillow turned into a "painful" pillow. Sometimes social media can make it look like designers/quilters/people make perfect things all the time.  While we may know that isn't true, it's hard not to compare isn't it? I've tried to share honest pictures of my work space and work, this pillow won't be any different.  

I've always really wanted to make a pineapple quilt, but lets be honest, time is not something I have a lot of.  Making a pillow was the perfect excuse to at least try it. However, I may need to try again later. Let's start with the pile of extra pieces. Ummmm, is that as bad as having an extra screw leftover when building something?

I planned to make each pineapple block with two dark purple, one light, and one marbled. About half way through I realized I had made each uniform. Sigh.

Then there is the cut that shouldn't be. Ouch.

What do you do when you go from four units for your block to three?  Well, first you cry a little (or maybe swear not so quietly under your breath) and then you start playing with the pieces. I've really gotten good at adding those setting triangles!

I planned on adding a quarter inch strip between the pieced "top" and a border, but decided to just leave it small.

Plus it helped the back fit the piece of fabric I had.

I stuffed it with fiberfill, hand stitched closed (it's not pretty, but it's closed) and I now have a pretty, painfully playful, pineapple pillow.

Happy Stitching!

New to Patterns By Jen?

Find paper and digital patterns in my Etsy shop.

The Border Quilt Quilt Along is coming August 2018

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  1. I think the pillow is beautiful! Thanks for being so honest with the process.

  2. Beautiful pillow Jen and I have to admit I have cut wrong "once or twice" and it is no fun. Your quilt is also beautiful!

  3. Came out pretty! Hopefully you will learn from your mistakes.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I am no good at commenting with my phone . Pillow


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