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Monday, August 6, 2018

Border Quilt Interview with Kate

For the weeks leading up to the Quilt Along, which now starts September 12, there will be a quilty interview with bloggers participating in the quilt along. The fabric designer, quilter and the photographer of the Enchanted Forest version will be interviewed as well. You can look for a new interview every Monday and Thursday now until September 10th. Find all the information for the quilt along HERE.

So grab a cup of coffee or a glass of wine depending on the time of day in your area and lets get to know Kate of Seams Like A Dream.

PBJ:  Name and business name?

Kate: Kate Colleran- pattern line is Seams Like a Dream Quilt Designs - quite a mouthful!

PBJ: What name would you give yourself in the quilting world? Designer, teacher, quilter, tester, etc?

Kate: Designer and Teacher.  I design quilts, which is my first love, and teach patterns that I have designed, which is my third love. Second is doing lectures and trunk shows on quilts!

Designers: Do you have any new patterns/books/fabrics coming out this year that you can share about?

Kate: I always have a new design in process! Usually more than one at various stages. One of the exciting ones is a quilt in The Quilter's Planner 2019! I am so excited to be part of the planner and the photos of all the quilts are stunning. I have a new class that just launched on Craftsy for beginners who want to make a Christmas Stocking and hope to have a new bag pattern out very soon!

Sneak peek at Drinking in the Sunshine Photo taken by Kitty Wilkin of for The Quilter's Planner 2019

PBJ: Who taught you/ or inspired you to learn to quilt?

Kate: I was initially a self taught quilter. My mom taught me to sew and then I took it from there.

PBJ: What is your favorite part of the quilting process?

Kate: Designing and picking fabrics. I can play around with a design for hours.

PBJ: What is your least favorite part?

Kate:  Borders. For some reason I hate adding borders! That is why many of my quilts don't have them or have small ones.

PBJ: What is your favorite quilty tool?

Kate: The Sewing Edge vinyl. I use that on the bed of my machine to help get a fairly consistent seam allowance.

PBJ: What is your favorite color? Do you use it in your quilts? If not, what color do you find yourself using a lot? Why do you use that color the most?

Kate: Favorite color family is blue. I find I use a lot of blue when I have the choice. Aqua and teal are some favorite shades. Though lately I have been on a bit of a coral and magenta kick!

Pack It Up Bag

PBJ: When sewing, do you watch T.V. / movies, listen to music, have it quiet?

Kate: It depends. Often I have on a movie or tv show that I have seen before so I can just listen and occasionally glance over at to see a scene.  I have friends that do books on tape but if I don't know the story, I get lost because I often daydream in the middle! 

PBJ: How much time do you spend quilting a day?

Kate: Well, because these days it is my job, most of the day is spent on some part of the quilting process. It might be designing, or writing a pattern or a blog post, or sewing... I try to do my writing in the morning when I am fresh and save the  sewing for the afternoons. Of course, now that I have a puppy in the house, she rules my time!

PBJ: If you had to choose between quilting cotton, batiks or flannels to sew with *for the rest of your life* which would you choose?Why?

Kate:  Oh that is a tough one! Probably quilting cotton. though batik is a very close second. Why? So many beautiful fabrics and styles of quilting cotton. You can't get bored!

Up and Down Quilt Head over to see the full pattern, it's gorgeous.

PBJ: You are taking a quilting cruise, who’s your teacher?

Kate: Katie Pasquini Masopust. I want someone who would push me out of my comfort zone.

PBJ: Does your sewing machine have a name?

Kate: Yes. Vicky because it is a Viking. A little prosaic to be sure!

PBJ:   Does your seam ripper have a name?

Kate: Jack of course!

PBJ: When was the last time you changed your needle?

Kate: Yesterday! I don't change as often as I should but more I am trying to change it often that I used to so I am getting better about that! 

Pastel fabric picks for the quilt along.

PBJ: We have a big quilt along coming up. What is your advice to any quilter new to the quilt along world?

Kate: Don't compare your beginning quilt to someone else's quilt - especially if they have been quilting a while. Don't second guess yourself, just start. Allow yourself to pick colors that you like and make the quilt your own!




Interview Schedule

July 27 - Nancy - Masterpiece Quilting
July 30 - Vicki - My Creative Corner3
Aug 2 - Becca - Pretty Piney
Aug 6 - Kate - Seams Like A Dream
Aug 9 - Terri - Lizard Creek Quilting
Aug 13 - Joanne - Quilts By Joanne
Aug 16 - Marija - Mara Quilt Designs
Aug 20 - Alison - Little Bunny Quilts
Aug 23 - Stephanie - Quilt'n' Party
Aug 27 - Daphne - Daphne Greig
Aug 30 - Tara - The Quilt District
Sept 6 - Tracy (quilter) - Fabrics Plus
Sept 10 - Kelly (photographer) - Handmade Boy
Sept 12 - Quilt along begins!

I hope you enjoyed getting to know a little bit about Kate. If you have any questions for her, please put them in the comments, with an email address if your settings are set for no reply, and I will make sure she sees them. I hope you follow her and give her some quilty love!

Happy Stitching!

New to Patterns By Jen?

Find paper and digital patterns in my Etsy shop.

The Border Quilt Quilt Along is coming September 2018

Follow me on Instagram and Facebook for daily sneak peeks and updates.

1 comment:

  1. Great interview with Kate. Her Pack-It-Up! pouch class is so much fun. She did a great job breaking down the steps and giving us visual examples of each task.


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