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Thursday, August 9, 2018

Border Quilt Interview with Terri

For the weeks leading up to the Quilt Along, which now starts September 12, there will be a quilty interview with bloggers participating in the quilt along. The fabric designer, quilter and the photographer of the Enchanted Forest version will be interviewed as well. You can look for a new interview every Monday and Thursday now until September 10th. Find all the information for the quilt along HERE.

So grab a cup of coffee or a glass of wine depending on the time of day in your area and lets get to know Terri of Lizard Creek Quilting

PBJ:  Name and business name?

Terri: Terri Vanden Bosch , Lizard Creek Quilting

PBJ: What name would you give yourself in the quilting world? Designer, teacher, quilter, tester, etc?

Terri: Crazy Obsessed Quilting Lady--would be what my family calls me--but that might not be appropriate for your hop!! I would say that I am a designer, longarm quilter, guild member and working towards teacher!!

Quilters: Longarm, domestic machine,computerized, manual?

Terri: Right now I am setting up my new APQS Millie non-computerized--just quilted one pass this morning--and oh so smooth!! 

Designers: Do you have any new patterns/books/fabrics coming out this year that you can share about?

Terri: I design patterns for fabric companies, magazines and AccuQuilt--all 72 of the blocks in the new Angles Qube and 24 blocks in the Corners Qube were designed by me. I know that just sounds too unreal--but I did and it is sooooo cool seeing them in print. I have even seen some actual quilts made with the blocks and that just makes me giddy!! 
--Designing is my passion!! When I first started designing my husband was worried that I would run out of ideas!! I just tell him that I need to let the designs out of my head so there is room for the new ones to grow!! 
--There are some really fun designs coming out at Fall Market with Island Batik. Multiple designs coming in magazines this fall--Love of Quilting, Quilting Quickly and Quiltmaker.

PBJ: Who taught you/ or inspired you to learn to quilt?

Terri: I have always been creative. For the first 10 years I did the country wood type crafting thing--that is actually coming back in style again--think lettering sayings on wooden boards!! I went to many local craft fairs. Then some friends took me along on a road trip to Contry Threads in Garner, Iowa. I found quilting there--and never looked back. 

PBJ: What is your favorite part of the quilting process?

Terri: I really enjoy EVERY part of the quilting process. All of it fascinates me. The colors, lines of geometry, textures from the quilting and finally cleaning up the ends with binding!! I love all of it!!

PBJ: What is your favorite quilty tool?

Terri: Since winning the AccuQuilt block contest in 2016, I have acquired all of the GO! Qube cutting dies. I would have to say that they are my favorite tools!! I had thought I was an accurate cutter/piecer before--but the ease in which my blocks go together now just blows me away!! I LOVE them so much in fact--that I will hardly make a quilt without them anymore!!

PBJ: What is your favorite color? Do you use it in your quilts? If not, what color do you find yourself using a lot? Why do you use that color the most?

Terri: Turquiose is my personal favorite color--the walls in my sewing room and studio are a soft light turquiose--it makes me happy just sitting in the room!! I have Fiestaware in turquiose. Fabric not so much!!
--I recently had my "colors" done by a House of Color consultant. They have colors grouped into seasons. Then they place colored drapes over the shoulder to see how the face reacts to the color. It is quite a fun process seeing how one color can make the face look drab while another will just sparkle the cheeks and eyes!! Based on the House of Color system, I am a Sprinter Winter!! Think jewel tones plus icey shade of the jewel tones. Will have to see if this changes my color preferences!!!

PBJ: When sewing, do you watch T.V. / movies, listen to music, have it quiet?

Terri: If I have been in the studio alot--quiet is nice. When I am sewing I like podcasts. When I am trying to do too many things at once and fall behind on housework--I find Nickel Back on Amazon Prime Music and crank it as loud as it will go!!!

PBJ: How much time do you spend quilting a day?

Terri: If I am not helping my husband on the farm--raising that Hormel bacon--I usually spend about 6-8 hours a day in the studios.

PBJ: If you had to choose between quilting cotton, batiks or flannels to sew with *for the rest of your life* which would you choose?Why?

Terri:  ohhhh tough question--I would first have to say batiks--because they aren't as messy as cottons--but I would so miss the 30's prints!!

PBJ: You are taking a quilting cruise, who’s your teacher?

Terri: Edyta Sitar!! I love listening to her talk!! So cheerful and helpful!!

PBJ: Does your sewing machine have a name?

Terri: nope--just a faithful companion!! Bernina 790

PBJ:   Does your seam ripper have a name?

Terri: nope--just a needed tool

PBJ: When was the last time you changed your needle?

Terri: not lately!! but have a big batik project coming up so better do it!!

PBJ: We have a big quilt along coming up. What is your advice to any quilter new to the quilt along world?

Terri: I have started using the plastic Art Bins with handles to put my current projects in. I love that they stack nicely. I keep everything--pattern, fabrics and finished blocks in a container so I don't have to go looking for them when I have time to work on a personal project.




Interview Schedule

July 27 - Nancy - Masterpiece Quilting
July 30 - Vicki - My Creative Corner3
Aug 2 - Becca - Pretty Piney
Aug 6 - Kate - Seams Like A Dream
Aug 9 - Terri - Lizard Creek Quilting
Aug 13 - Joanne - Quilts By Joanne
Aug 16 - Marija - Mara Quilt Designs
Aug 20 - Alison - Little Bunny Quilts
Aug 23 - Stephanie - Quilt'n' Party
Aug 27 - Daphne - Daphne Greig
Aug 30 - Tara - The Quilt District
Sept 6 - Tracy (quilter) - Fabrics Plus
Sept 10 - Kelly (photographer) - Handmade Boy
Sept 12 - Quilt along begins!

I hope you enjoyed getting to know a little bit about Terri. If you have any questions for her, please put them in the comments, with an email address if your settings are set for no reply, and I will make sure she sees them. I hope you follow her and give her some quilty love!

Happy Stitching!

New to Patterns By Jen?

Find paper and digital patterns in my Etsy shop.

The Border Quilt Quilt Along is coming September 2018

Follow me on Instagram and Facebook for daily sneak peeks and updates.

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