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Tuesday, January 14, 2020

My "Word" for 2020

For 2020 I have chosen to focus on a word.

That word is "Breath."

As a wife, mom of 4, child care provider and quilt pattern designer there seems to always be something that NEEDS my attention, at least in my mind.

This means I always feel like I'm behind, always. It's not a fun place to be. So to try and keep the stress of perceived failure away I have chosen to "breath" and let go. I think I'm going to bring these images to mind while I breath, because nothing is more relaxing than time at the lake.

It is January 14 when I am writing this post, and I can tell you that so far, this has not happened. So I am putting it out in the blogging world to hold myself accountable.

If you see a post from me apologizing for being behind, remind me to just "breath."

Happy Stitching!

New to Patterns By Jen?

2020 Monthly Color Challenge

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  1. Yes, breathe..... When I was busier with my son & his activities I often listened to calming music as I drove and found that a good place to breathe, even in traffic. However you do it, find a few regular places you can add a minute or two of slow breathing. We’ll be here to cheer you on!

  2. Amazing the stress we needlessly put on ourselves! Take time every day to mentally to go sit by that gorgeous lake and breathe...we all need to do that!

  3. Breathe is a very good choice for the word of 2020. I hope you do revisit it often and find peace in the moment. :-)


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