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Saturday, March 28, 2020

Benartex Modern By The Yard - Prismatic Shadows

It's time to introduce you to a new block from PBJ!

Benartex has a *free* E-Zine magazine available for us to drool over Modern By The Yard. For this issue I was asked to modernize the Shoo-fly block in their "Modern With a Twist" section.

The Shoo-fly block is a very simple, traditional quilt block, made simply with squares and half-square triangles. You know I love a good block with a half-square triangle, as well as all things traditional in quilting, which means modern is stepping out of my comfort zone.

Though this was out of my comfort zone it was fun to play around with a base block and come up with something new and modern. Meet Prismatic Shadows. The fabrics I played with are from the Winter Wool Collection, which is a collection of basic cotton fabrics with the soft look of wool. These were designed by Cheryl Haynes of Prairie Grove Peddler. Make sure to check out the magazine to get a little more insight into the thought process of designing Prismatic Shadows, as well as what the other designers came up with.

After playing around with the design and coming up with a block that I loved I went on to put that block in a quilt, just for fun.  This is with just the block, nothing fancy, but I love those colors against the dark background.

Then I went one more step for my "Modern With a Twist" block and "twisted" the blocks. This one made me go "Ohhhhh!" outloud and will definitely become a pattern.  Look for it later this year!

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  1. What a terrific design! Congrats on being included with your modernization!!!

  2. What a great idea to improvise an existing block pattern. you are very creative .

  3. I love it. It looks like you used a Roman Stripes Block to make the Shoo-Fly block, a great looking combination.

  4. Your block and quilt design definitely have the WOW factor. Nancy A:

  5. Thank you for sharing. Your block is amazing. WOW WOW WOW


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