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Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Where in the world is Jen?

 It has been a month of silence here on the blog and social media, other than prescheduled posts. Where is Jen?

Misty field

It has taken me a bit to decide to write this post for a few reasons. I have put this off because

1) I'm a pretty private person

2) I kept waiting to feel better

3)I was just too tired to try.

It has been a long few months for my family, nothing too scary, but a lot of "things" to keep track of, deal with, wade through, and apparently it got to the point of draining me physically and mentally. Add the need for a lot of dental work/mouth pain and I've spent almost every evening after child care sitting and watching tv and not accomplishing anything.

It's been hard to accept that I need to step away from some things and right now, that means taking a break from pattern designing. I have a couple of patterns to finish up, and the Monthly Color Challenge will remain (yay!), but the plan right now is to take a break.

Maybe that break will be a week, because I finally admitted I need a break to the big wide world, but right now I'm planning on the break going through the summer.

It's a scary thought, because when you pull back you lose the eyes that have found you, but faking it until I make it isn't working either.

Resident cardinal

If you are waiting for the last post for the Against the Grain Quilt Along I hope to finish that up and have it ready Wed Jun 2nd.

The May Monthly Color Challenge Link up opened yesterday, so don't forget to add your Challenge Block.

Make something Extraordinary!


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  1. Hi Jen, It's not an easy thing to admit when the pressure of keeping up is getting to be too much. I often wonder how people do it. I imagine that if people were really honest they'd say that many things are harmed or neglected in the process. I'm glad to hear you are resting and taking stock and I'm praying for you. oxoxo

  2. Good on you for recognising, and acting on, what you need. I hope your break goes well.

  3. Jen, I'm so sorry things have been tough. I'm glad you are taking some time to take care of you. Let us know how you are doing when you feel up to it. I'm there with you on the dental visits (yuck).

  4. I think we all have times we need to step back and reassess our lives — and you have made it through the hardest part — stating you need this for you. Sending well wishes and good vibes your way. You take care of you !!!

  5. I hope you find this time away want you need. We'll be here when you return; take the time you need!

  6. Rest, relax, we'll be here when you get back.

  7. We all need a break at times. It's ok to take a break & take time for yourself. Rest well. Take care. 🦋

  8. I'm sorry life has been tough, and glad you recognize that you need some time. We'll still be here when you get back. Rest, relax, feel better.
    BTW - dental pain is the WORST! Praying it all gets better soon.

  9. Life can be just awfully tough. Taking a break is healthy, it is good...and from a refreshed point of view, we are better.... good luck xoxoxo

  10. I learned the hardway that life can step in and if you ignore it you are in deeper water than before. Take care of YOU, we are always going to be here for you - I had to back away from everything a couple years ago when I was undergoing chemo and serious cancer - it is a wake up call that is for sure - I am the one who keeps everything going and for the first time in many years I couldn't. I am back to my "new self" and I have learned to listen to me - take care and do what you can when you can and enjoy where you are.

  11. Glad you are taking time to regroup. No need to hurry, we will be here, maybe even taking our own breaks! Thinking of you and praying your break is good for you.

  12. Take care of yourself. Get plenty of rest as you set your priorities. Who knows what the change will bring? The best to you and your family.

  13. Heartfelt post and I’m sending you positive vibes and love. It’s smart to withdraw to renew, revise and revisit what is feeding your soul and getting back to happy and what you need to let go of. It’s being smart and very human. God Bless you and yours.
    In my own trials I found Flylady, meditation and being reasonable and kind to myself life embracing. Take care.


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