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Thursday, July 13, 2017

Beginners Unite! Keeping your points

There is nothing more frustrating than working hard on a unit and then sewing off the points. 

We've all done it. I still do it. So how do we avoid it?  There is a simple trick I will share, but we have to address accuracy first. I wrote about accurate cutting and accurate stitching. These are two very important pieces to getting nice pointy points. 

When you take the time to cut accurately and stitch accurately, you will have points that are 1/4" away from the edge, giving you plenty of space for the seam allowance. 

Sometimes though, our stitching is off just a bit. Maybe we ironed instead of pressed, or there was some extra fabric and our stitching wobbled a bit. For whatever reason, we are in danger of losing that precious point.

The trick to saving it is simple. Stitch with the unit on top that needs the point.

When you come to the point, watch where your needle is coming down and make sure to stitch closer to the edge of the fabric. Having your seam allowance just a little off in that one spot won't hurt your blocks. I show how I sew my slightly off blocks HERE. Remember, I never trim. Shhhhh! I know, but I don't, and my quilt tops turn out very well. :)

If you can't stitch with the unit on the top, maybe you are sewing rows and there are points on either side, you should take a close look at your rows. Note where there might be an issue with a point and put a pin in it. When you reach that point you can adjust your stitching line just a hair and continue on.

If you stitched off a point, it is worth ripping those stitches out and resewing. Press carefully and enjoy your pointy points.

Sometimes you can do all of the above and you still get points that just aren't pointy. Case in point (hahaha) my newly released Gradient Stars. That blue would not listen and refused to be pointy. Every. Single. Unit. I had to let go of control and let that stubborn unit be. If it's not enjoyable, let go and move on. 

Happy Stitching!

1) Intro - May 2 
7) HST - Half Square Triangles (My one true love) - June 13
8) Flying Geese - June 20
11) Is there a trick to keeping those points? - You are here
12) Adding Borders - July 18
13) Sandwich that top - July 25
14) Quilting - August 1
15) Binding - August 8
16) Labels  - August 15


  1. Thank you Jen...This is great. I appreciate your instruction.

  2. "If it's not enjoyable, let go and move on". Yes!! Good tip for making an effort to make points work first though. I do that all the time.


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