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Tuesday, October 31, 2017

BU Quilt Along Week 8

We're laying out our blocks and stitching them together. 

This should be a fairly quick and simple step, but getting the blocks to match up nicely and keep your points can take time, that's why we're just putting the blocks together.

Pin the block at the seams, and at the very end.

Keep an eye on the Flying Geese point so you don't lose it.

I like to layout my quilt, even if it's just one block and get a feel for the top. I don't have a design wall, so the floor it is. In doing so I realized that the instructions to sew and press all of the rows the same way, won't work for blocks that have fussy cut centers. Instead I will press in opposite directions as I put the rows together.

Do you have a design wall? If so do you use it often? If not, what is holding you back? In my case it's space...and cats. My cats would totally climb that sucker and tear it to the ground, laughing the whole time. Let me know in the comments how you lay out your quilts.

Happy Stitching!

Beginners Unite Quilt Along

October 3 - Flying Geese week 2 
October 10 - Half Square Triangles
October 17 - Corner Units
October 24 - Block Assembly
October 31 - Top Assembly ~ You are here
November 7 - Add borders
November 14 - Quilting and Binding

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  1. Hi Jen! We have a cat too, but I think I put the fear of death into him if he goes anywhere near my quilt room. Not only is there a lot of quilty stuff, but a lot of breakables all over the place. I used to collect antique perfume bottles. I don't have a fancy design wall, just a twin size piece of batting tacked up onto the wall. I learned that from Yvonne at Quilting Jet Girl. That's all she does. Even then, of course, sometimes the quilts are too big so the floor it is!

    1. I wish I had a door to my sewing room/laundry room to keep them out. I don't let them on my fabric or desks, but I'm sure they come in and party when I'm asleep. Ha!


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