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Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Broken Panes Quilt Along - Quilting Prep

It's quilting prep time!

I'm going to show how I get my quilt top ready for quilting on my domestic machine. I use my hardwood floor, you could also use a table.

Supplies needed

Masking/Painters tape
Curved safety pins
Kwik Clip tool

Backing prep

If you are having your quilt quilted by a long arm quilter you will want to make sure you have 4" of extra fabric and batting all around the top. Stephanie has blog post on prepping your quilt for the long arm quilter. Read it HERE. When I'm quilting on my domestic I find that 2" of extra fabric and batting is enough.

I fold my backing in half the long way, end to end, not selvage to selvage.

Then cut on the fold.

For this quilt I needed a little extra length. This is a great way to use up any extra fabric you may have from piecing your quilt tops. To start I give myself a straight edge on one end of my backing fabric.

For this quilt I cut a 10" strip. Repeat for the other half of your backing. You can choose to do the exact same width on both pieces, or make them different widths.

I didn't need a lot of extra length for my backing pieces, so I just cut two 3 1/2" strips. You can cut them as wide as you want, you can mix it up and cut them at different widths, whatever you choose.

Then I sewed the strips to my backing pieces, sewed the 10" strip to those and pressed.

Then sew the middle seam 1/4" from the selvage.  Trim off the selvage and press to the side. Do NOT press this seam open as it will start to pull open when you pull the backing taught. If I have a wider backing than needed I will plan for the seam on the back to be off centered and trim off the extra from one side.

This way I don't have to worry about trying to line up the middle backing seam with the middle of the quilt top.


To keep the back from getting tucks or wrinkles in it during quilting the back needs to be pulled taut.

Lay it out on the floor or table, right side down. Tape the top middle to the floor. Go the the opposite side and tape the bottom middle to the floor. Next place a piece of tape on both sides of the center bottom, repeat on the top, making sure to keep the fabric smooth and taught. Repeat on the sides.
The tape is numbered in the order I like to do it.

I'm using a washable wool from Hobbs Batting.  I usually quilt lap sized quilts and smaller on my domestic and buy my batting in "King" size.

Lay the batting on the backing. I choose a corner and work out so that the extra batting spills over two sides. I trim one long piece first.

Then trim the top. This usually leaves me with enough batting for 3 more tops, dependent upon the size of the tops. Smooth out your batting and tape like you did the backing.

Now lay your quilt top on the batting, right side up. Starting in the middle smooth it out, but make sure to keep extra backing and batting all around the outside.

Starting in the middle, and working your way out, start pinning. I love the Kwik Clip tool for closing my pins, it saves my fingers and nails.  Keep the pins no further than 4" a part. This will also help keep the backing from getting tucks and wrinkles in it from quilting. I use my hand as a guide to know if I need more pins.

Once the pins are in place and closed carefully remove all of the tape. Your quilt is now ready for quilting! I will be using my walking foot, but you can use a regular foot or quilting foot. What you will really need to relax and take your time, but we'll get to that next week. We are almost done!

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1 comment:

  1. This is a great post, full of great ideas. I "cheated" and directed my viewers to come to your post -- no point me re-inventing the wheel. LOL


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