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Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Dakota Prairie Trunk Show and Class

This past Friday night I had the honor and pleasure to share my quilts with the Dakota Prairie Quilt Guild and their guests. It was a fun night filled with laughter and a few tears on my part (but you have to see a trunk show to find out why).

I love to share some of the quilts I've made over the years, but it's always hard to choose which ones to bring.

Here is the pattern that Saturday's class would learn to make; "Softly Circled."

Each quilter finished a block and a few started the border to make sure they had it figured out. This class was so fun and they all made such beautiful blocks, each with it's own unique beauty. Let's take a close up look at the pretty pieces.

Softly Circled Blocks

Many quilters used fabrics from their stashes (yay!) for their planned quilts. The block above used 2 different fabrics for the pink because the quilter didn't have enough of the one. I think it makes a great block.

The light fabric in the block below was dyed during class a few years ago. I love that she pulled it out and used it! You know that makes my heart happy, and look how pretty it looks being used in a quilt!

The block above are leftover fabrics from a wall hanging already made in these gorgeous prints. The background almost has a look of leather.

Below, this quilter was challenged to step out of her comfort zone with her color choices. She is going to have a gorgeous quilt when finished! (The picture does not do the color justice.)

The colors of the above block are soo soft, I can't wait to see the effect of all four blocks together. She also has a bit of border put together.

Below this quilt will be a donated baby quilt when finished. How precious will it be? The colors will be blue, green and pink to match the little buds in the background.

You may not believe it, but the centers in the blocks above and below are the SAME fabric! How amazing is the difference that simply changing the background makes?

The top block is going to be stunning with the black background, her blocks will all be different colors, I think it will almost have a jeweled look to it.

You know I love patriotic, so this set makes me drool! I love the use of the print in the background fabric, too.

The black and white polka dot in this block is striking. Each block will have a different color, but I'm so glad she started with this one first, because it really stands out.

Below is, I believe, the first scrappy version of Softly Circled. I didn't know if it could be done and was so excited to see this one. So if you like scrappy, now you know you can do it!

The last two are perfect as we head into fall and winter. The stunning blue and white fabrics are going to make a fabulous winter quilt to use for the next few months.

Below the Christmas fabrics are being made into a table runner.

Last night this quilter shared a picture of her 3 finished blocks and this afternoon I got this picture. I think she was right, this makes a fabulous table runner. She also thinks, if you made the 4th block it would be a great bed runner. I love when quilters take my patterns and make them their own!

I hope you enjoyed the mini quilt block show. If you are interested in having me teach or share a trunk show with your guild you can find more information HERE. Lock in 2019 rates with a signed contract.

Happy Stitching!

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  1. How fun for you and them as well as they got to make gorgeous blocks!

  2. Such wonderful blocks! A pattern I cannot wait to delve into in the future. Beautiful!


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