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Tuesday, October 1, 2019

October Color Challenge - Red

October may be a scary month, but not when there is a great quilt block to make!

If you are new to the 2019 Monthly Color Challenge you can hop over quick to read through the introduction and also see the colors coming up in the months ahead.

This month's flower inspiration is the red, red Rose. Lilacs are my favorite, but so is the red rose. It's ok to have more than one favorite, just ask my kids!

Are you a beginner? For this month's blocks you might find these posts helpful:

For this months block you will need:

Rotary cutter
Marking pen/pencil

Specialty rulers that are NOT required, but helpful:

A great group of bloggers joins us each month. Please make sure to visit each one and see their blocks and read their stories.

This is a great way to meet new quilty bloggers!

I never trim my blocks, but if you are a trimmer I recommend waiting until all of your blocks are pieced and then trimming them all at once. Your goal is to have 12 1/2" unfinished blocks. I don't trim because I don't want to lose my points and since we make the units that makeup the block larger and trim them down, you should be fairly close to the correct size. If you are off 1/8 of an inch or less I really discourage trimming. If you are off 1/4 of an inch then instead of trimming I would suggest taking a look at your seam allowance and cutting, because trimming will definitely cause you to lose the look of the block.

Ready for your free October Monthly Color Challenge block? Find it HERE. Remember there is a change this year and the block is available for free only through October 31st. Use #2019monthlycolorchallenge on social media so we can see your blocks.

**NEW** Each months set of instructions comes with a full video tutorial!

To get the block instructions delivered right to your email sign up HERE.

This will not give you any of the previous month's blocks, you still need to go to Payhip and download those, but from this point on it will come directly to your inbox on the first of each month. Make sure to add patternsbyjen(at)gmail(dot)com to your email address book.

Happy Stitching!

New to Patterns By Jen?

Find paper and digital patterns in my Etsy shop.

Find fun PBJ merchandise at Teespring

Join the Quilt and Learn with Patterns By Jen Facebook page.

Follow me on Instagram and Facebook for daily sneak peeks and updates.


  1. Having so much fun with this challenge and I've managed to stick with my goal of doing it by hand..

  2. Hi Jen! Beautiful block and roses are one of my favorite flowers as well. This is also one of my favorite colors to work with. I have been enjoying this monthly challenge and want to thank you for doing it. ~smile~ Roseanne

  3. I enjoyed this block and love the colors!


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