Thursday, June 6, 2024

Ready, Set, Quilt Show! Tips for a successful visit

Next week I am attending the Minnesota Quilt Show in the beautiful Duluth area. I love a good quilt show and I am excited to see all of the quilts and vendors. The MN Quilt Show has so much to offer and I hope to take advantage of my short time there. I want to share my tips for making the most of your quilt show time, and how to make it as enjoyable as possible.

Make a plan

Decide how many days you are going to attend the show. Quilt shows will have their schedules planned and posted in advance. Take time to look at what they are offering and decide what you must see, want to see and, if you're short on time, can miss. Don't forget to plan in some down time to sit and fawn over your purchases and eat lunch.

When you arrive take a minute to learn the layout of the show (don't forget to find those very important bathrooms!) and see how it fits with your preplanned schedule. Will it be easier to check out the judged quilts later, while checking out the vendors first? Or vice versa?

Will you be taking any classes, attending any lectures? Add the class times and lecture times you've signed up for to your phone's calendar so you don't get distracted by quilts and/or vendors.

"Let Freedom Ring" by Barbara Clem

Photo etiquette: If you are going to take photos to share on your social media, even if it's "just" your private Facebook page, take the extra moment to also photograph the information. Who pieced it, who quilted it, etc. Give credit to those awesome quilters who not only are letting us see their beautiful work, but have put in hours of time to do so.

What to wear

I'm obviously going to start with comfy shoes, because you will be on your feet for hours. I'm also going to say, I usually wear flip flops because my feet get so hot and I am miserable. This is a case of do as I say, not as I do. 😂

Do you sew your own quilty vest or other type of clothing? Why not wear it here and show it off. I know I get so inspired when I see the work of other quilters, whether it's quilts or clothing.

Don't forget to grab your reading glasses. I hate when I forget them and I can't read the back of patterns or the information next to quilts.

What to bring with you

This is where the list gets a bit lengthy. There are a few things I like to bring with me to make the day(s) enjoyable.

Water. Make sure you have something with you to help keep you hydrated throughout the day.

Snacks. You will want to plan a time to eat a meal, but when you are taking a short break a quick snack and water will keep you going.

Cash. Cards are so easy, but the fees can add up quickly for the vendors. Consider paying with cash instead.

Hand Sanitizer. Germs. Yuck.

Shopping bag, or two. If you shop at multiple vendors you'll want a larger bag to carry around the smaller bags. I like to bring one that has a pocket on the inside so I can grab business cards and/or pamphlets from vendors and keep them from floating around the bottom of the bag.

Notebook and pen. I like to have something to jot my thoughts on while I'm at a show. Sometimes it's a quilting idea, an embellishment idea, or a vendor I really want to make sure I look up. It's nice to have a small note pad to keep it all in one spot.

I always bring ibuprofen, because I inevitably get a headache in the afternoon. Whether it's from dehydration or over stimulations, or both, it's pretty much guaranteed.

Chapstick. I hate dry lips and it seems to happen in a large space filled with lots of people.

Kleenex. Lotion. Gum. These are a few of the things I like to have handy throughout the day.

If you think you will be taking a lot of pictures, consider bringing along a battery pack to keep your phone charged. Don't forget to make sure you have lots of space available!

That's it. Those are my best tips for attending a quilt show and enjoying the time spent with other quilters. Did I miss anything that you love to take with you? Share in the comments!

This year the Minnesota Quilters Mystery Quilt entries will be featuring my quilt design "Up North." This was their mystery quilt for 2023. I can't wait to see their quilts! If you have one hanging, let me know!

"Up North" by Patterns By Jen

Let's make something Extraordinary!


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