Monday, June 28, 2021

June Monthly Color Challenge Link Up

 Yes, the June Link up is here and yes I totally missed posting it.

This block was a fun one to make and I loved to see how fabric choices changed which part of the block stood out.

You can follow #2021monthlycolorchallenge and #monthlycolorchallenge on Instagram to see the blocks as well.

Quarter 2 Sponsors

Bea Quilter - PDF Pattern

For the Love of Geese - PDF Pattern

True Blue Quilts - Book: Monochromatic Quilts Amazing Variety*

Make Modern Magazine - 6 month subscription

Island Batik - Fat Quarter Bundle*

Benartex - Fabric Bundle*

Quilters Dream Batting - 60 x 60 Dream Poly*

The Warm Company - 90 x 108 Warm and Plush 100% Cotton

Appliques Quilts and More - $10 gift certificate

Fat Quarter Shop - Gift Certificate

DayBrook Designs - 2 PDF Patterns

Patterns By Jen - Tucker Trimmer 1® ruler*

Those marked with * are for US residents only. Prize laws vary throughout different countries.

The Link Up is open through July 4th. If you have a problem linking up, please use the "question mark" button next to the log out button. If you are trying from your phone, try it from a laptop/tablet if you have one.

**Please note the change in date. Due to my lateness the Link Up is open through July 4th. Winners will be randomly selected and notified on July 12th.**

Good luck and thank you for stitching along with me!

Missed the block? Find it here!

Make something Extraordinary!


New to Patterns By Jen?

Don't forget to sign up for the Bites of PBJ newsletter while you are here!

Find paper and digital patterns in my Etsy shop.

Find fun PBJ merchandise at Teespring

Join the Quilt and Learn with Patterns By Jen Facebook page.

Follow me on Instagram and Facebook for daily sneak peeks and updates.

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

June 2021 Monthly Color Challenge

 Welcome to the 6th block in the 2021 Monthly Color Challenge. We are officially halfway through the BOM. Whoa. If that isn't exciting enough for you, we've reached the end of Quarter 2! Winners will be chosen July 1st!!

This month our color is inspired by . . . the pumpkin. Which is odd, I know, but even more so? The color for October is pink.

When I'm choosing colors for each month I have tried to stay away from the typical colors, while this isn't always the case, I like the extra challenge of getting out of that mindset of "spring colors," "fall colors," "Christmas colors," ete. I would love to hear from our southern hemisphere quilters though, if "pumpkin" in June is fitting?

This block has a few different quilt block units, but each one is a traditional piece trimmed to size to make this an easy assembly.

**Reminder! There is a How-To Video for each month!**

June Bloggers

Wendy - Pieceful Thoughts

Crystal - Daybrook Designs

Fawn - Quilty Creations by Dawn

Raylee - Sunflower Quilting and Stitcheries

Andi - True Blue Quilts

Patti - Patti's Patchwork

Ashli - Quilt 2 End Alz

Joanne - Everyone Deserves a Quilt

This year two block sizes are offered, you can choose to make the 12" finished blocks or the 6" finished blocks, or both!

Quarter 2 Sponsors

There's a new group of sponsors! The Monthly Color Challenge has a great group of sponsors who have given generously to make this year an amazing year for you. Winners are chosen quarterly; April 1, July 1, Oct 1 and Jan 1, 2022. To enter you simply add your block to the Link Up at the end of each month. One entry per quilter and it needs to be the block from the current month. Finish each month and you will have 3 entries each quarter!

Bea Quilter - PDF Pattern

For the Love of Geese - PDF Pattern

True Blue Quilts - Book: Monochromatic Quilts Amazing Variety*

Make Modern Magazine - 6 month subscription

Island Batik - Fat Quarter Bundle*

Benartex - Fabric Bundle*

Quilters Dream Batting - 60 x 60 Dream Poly*

The Warm Company - 90 x 108 Warm and Plush 100% Cotton

Appliques Quilts and More - $10 gift certificate

Fat Quarter Shop - Gift Certificate

DayBrook Designs - 2 PDF Patterns

Patterns By Jen - Tucker Trimmer 1® ruler*

Those marked with * are for US residents only. Prize laws vary throughout different countries.


Some tips for successful piecing.

I use the Quilters Magic Wand® to mark my sewing lines.

I sew just inside the drawn lines for more accuracy.

Sew with the FG unit on top so you can see the point.

Chain piece the FG units.

Press while the FG units are still chain pieced, once pressed, then clip threads.

When sewing rows together sew with the Square in a Square unit on top to watch the point.

That's it! June is done! 

Ready to get the pattern? Go to Payhip and download it now! The block is free for the month of June!

To have the block sent directly to your email sign up HERE.

It's too late to have the January through June blocks emailed to you but you can download them from Payhip and get ready to have the rest of the year arrive in your email inbox.

Make something Extraordinary!


New to Patterns By Jen?

Don't forget to sign up for the Bites of PBJ newsletter while you are here for early releases and sales just for subscribers!

Find paper and digital patterns in my Etsy shop.

Find fun PBJ merchandise at Teespring

Join the Quilt and Learn with Patterns By Jen Facebook page.

Follow me on Instagram and Facebook for daily sneak peeks and updates.