It's link up time! Is your block ready?
I felt that this was probably the easiest block of the year, do you agree?
Good luck and thank you for stitching along with me!
Missed the block? Find it here!
It's link up time! Is your block ready?
I felt that this was probably the easiest block of the year, do you agree?
Good luck and thank you for stitching along with me!
Missed the block? Find it here!
We've reached the "dog days" of summer, but here in SW Minnesota it's been the "dog day" since June. I don't remember a summer that has been so hot.
August has always been a hard month for me. I loved having my children home all summer and August means the end of that. This August I have only one "child" heading to school and it's his senior year in high school. August needs to go slow!
This month's food inspiration in the mushroom. Honestly I'm not a fan, but my husband would eat them for every meal. Blech. I love a good dark brown in a quilt, though.
The block for August is super, super easy. I'm not up for something difficult at this point in the year, so I was very conscious of which block I was choosing for this month.
**There is a How-To video in each pattern to help complete the block**
August Bloggers
Anja - Anja Quilts
Sandra - Textile Time Travels
Raylee - Sunflower Stitcheries and Quilting
Andi - True Blue Quilts
Crystal - Daybrook Designs
Patti - Patti's Patchwork
Ashli - Quilt 2 End Alz
Kate - Katie Mae Quilts
This year two block sizes are offered, you can choose to make the 12" finished blocks or the 6" finished blocks, or both!
That's it! August is done!
Ready to get the pattern? Go to Payhip and download it now! The block is free for the month of August!