Saturday, December 25, 2021

December 2021 Monthly Color Challenge Link Up

 It's the last link up of the year!

I hope this quick block was an enjoyable addition to your December activites.

You can follow #2021monthlycolorchallenge and #monthlycolorchallenge on Instagram to see the blocks as well.

Quarter 4  Sponsors

Bea Quilter - PDF pattern

Quilter Chic - PDF pattern

Make Modern Magazine - 6 month subscription

P&B Textiles - FQ bundle of "Fractured"*

Benartex - Fat Quarter Bundle*

Quilters Dream Batting - 60" square of 80/20 batting*

The Warm Co - 1 yard Insulbrite*

The Warm Co - 34 x 45 Warm and Natural Needled Cotton*

Appliques, Quilts and More - $10 store gift certificate

Daybrook Designs - 2 PDF patterns

Patterns By Jen - Deb Tucker's Wing Clipper®*

The Link Up is open through December 31. If you have a problem linking up, please use the "question mark" button next to the log out button. If you are trying from your phone, try it from a laptop/tablet if you have one.

Good luck and thank you for stitching along with me!

Missed the block? Find it here!

Make something Extraordinary!


New to Patterns By Jen?

Don't forget to sign up for the Bites of PBJ newsletter while you are here!

Find paper and digital patterns in my Etsy shop.

Find fun PBJ merchandise at Teespring

Join the Quilt and Learn with Patterns By Jen Facebook page.

Follow me on Instagram and Facebook for daily sneak peeks and updates.


  1. Emily has made a block every month - she is doing the 6 inch so she can make a baby quilt for her soon to be here niece, Isabella Jane! I did the cutting but she did the sewing - she is 9 and has been sewing since she was 6 - WITH HER OWN MACHINE! She is looking forward to 2022 so she can make another quilt for "Bella". Thank you so much for providing projects that a young sewer can do as well as us "older" folks -and sometimes this grandma/guardian doesn't do as well as she does! It will be interesting with a newborn back in the house again.

  2. Jen, it was such a great end to the year. Thank you so very much!


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