Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Previously Backlogged Jobs - A link up

Anyone have a stack of WIPs (Works in progress)?

You don't need to answer that. I think most of us have projects we have put off, gifts that didn't get done in time so they were put away, a frustrating pattern, a project with fabrics we ended up not liking.

Two years ago I tried to get caught up on the BOM projects that I had been putting off from my LQS. I wanted to make an extra block each month to catch up. Well, that didn't last very long. In keeping with my strive to be and "honest quilter" let me tell you; I didn't complete a single block from the 2019 BOM at my LQS. I showed up each month though, so there's that...

I'm not sure this will help, but I'm hoping we can inspire each other! On the 1st and 3rd Wed of each month I will post a link up for your "Previously Backlogged Jobs." This is just a play on my business name, but it's really about the projects we've put away and forgotten about. Or maybe it's a project you need to focus on to finish, you can add that, too. (In the case of the first Wednesday of the month falling on the 1st, to avoid a conflict with the Monthly Color Challenge, we will do our PBJ link up on the next Thursday.)

When the link up is live, post a picture of your work. Whether it's a picture of the kit you've pulled out to start on, a picture of cut fabric, pieced blocks, quilting on your domestic or long arm, putting in that final stitch on the binding or label. What ever Previously Backlogged Job you are going to work on, share it! The link up will be open for 5 days. You're encouraged to visit a few other's to inspire them. If they don't have a blog or an Instagram account, leave an encouraging comment in the comment section.

I've made a button for those who have a blog and want to share that they are working on their Previously Backlogged Jobs.

grab button for Patterns By Jen
<div class="patterns-by-jen-button" style="width: 200px; margin: 0 auto;"> <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"> <img src="" alt="Patterns By Jen" width="200" height="200" /> </a> </div>

Who is ready to start working on those projects?! I can't wait to see what you pull out! I can't wait to see what *I* pull out!

Those working on the Monthly Color Challenge, here is your friendly reminder that there are only 2 more days left for THAT link up! ♥♥

Happy Stitching!

New to Patterns By Jen?

2020 Monthly Color Challenge

Find paper, digital patterns, and Studio 180 Design rulers in my Etsy shop.

Find fun PBJ merchandise at Teespring

Join the Quilt and Learn with Patterns By Jen Facebook page.

Follow me on Instagram and Facebook for daily sneak peeks and updates.

Saturday, January 25, 2020

January Color Challenge Link Up

It's that time! Time to link a picture of your January block.

This year when you add your Color Challenge block to the Link Up you will be entered into a drawing for a chance to win one of the awesome prizes from our sponsors.

Prizes will be chosen quarterly and each month that you link up a block gives you an entry into the drawing.

There is still time to get the block instructions for January.

Find all of the information for the 2020 Monthly Color Challenge HERE.

Quarter 1 Sponsors

Sponsors for January through March are:


Quilters Chic - PDF Pattern

3rd Story Workshop: Andrea Jackson - Book: Gemology

For the Love of Geese - PDF Pattern

Quilters Dream Batting - Dream Fusible 80/20 - 60" x 60"

Andover Fabrics - Fabric Bundle -  Giucy Giuce's DECLASSIFIED

Warm Company - Warm and Natural - Needled Cotton Batting 45" x 60"

Make Modern Magazine - 6 month subscription

Patterns By Jen - Superior Thread S-Fine 30

Patterns By Jen - Tucker Trimmer

I can't wait to see your blocks. Thank you for sewing along! Find the link up below!

Happy Stitching!
New to Patterns By Jen?

2020 Monthly Color Challenge

Find paper, digital patterns, and Studio 180 Design rulers in my Etsy shop.

Find fun PBJ merchandise at Teespring

Join the Quilt and Learn with Patterns By Jen Facebook page.

Follow me on Instagram and Facebook for daily sneak peeks and updates.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Top five from 2019

It's always fun to look back at the past year.

It's also a good way to see what quilters were most interested in.

By far the most read post was the 2020 Monthly Color Challenge Announcement, followed closely by the Broken Panes Quilt Along.

The best selling pattern was Twisted Flight.

The most watched YouTube video (that doesn't include anything to do with the Color Challenge) is Binding Part 1.

My most "liked" photo on Instagram was Twisted Flight as well.

Do you have a favorite Patterns By Jen pattern? I'd love to hear what it is! Thank you for joining me on my little Looking Back adventure.

Happy Stitching!

New to Patterns By Jen?

2020 Monthly Color Challenge

Find paper, digital patterns, and Studio 180 Design rulers in my Etsy shop.

Find fun PBJ merchandise at Teespring

Join the Quilt and Learn with Patterns By Jen Facebook page.

Follow me on Instagram and Facebook for daily sneak peeks and updates.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

2019 Color Challenge Quilt Party

I am so excited to share with you some of the pieced tops from the 2019 Monthly Color Challenge.

Fellow quilters worked hard all year making their blocks and then putting them into a quilt top.

I've really enjoyed seeing the blocks and then the quilts come together. You can find all of the 2019 Monthly Color Challenge information in THIS POST.  It has links to each block as well as the setting offered for Color Challenge.

First we have a few bloggers to share.

Joanne's quilts are well worth a trip over to her blog "Everyone Deserves a Quilt."

Sarah shows you how to make a quilt top out of blocks of mismatched sizes. So cool! See it HERE.

Willow of Bear Paw Stitch and Desgin made a simple sashing that really makes the 2019 blocks stand out.

Debbie, MI used Quilt As You Go to do her Monthly Color Challenge. What a great way to finish a quilt like this!

Hannah, WA added such a fabulous scrappy border to hers, the added black makes those blocks pop!

Lisa found a great fabric in her stash to use as sashing. You know I love that she used her stash!

Rita made two of each block (switching the use of dark and light in each block), then added her own block to the center for a great size.

Rosanne's quilt used the colors from the the block as posts in her sashing. See more HERE.

Tina switched it up and put her blocks on point. What a difference it makes in the look of the quilt.

Anja's quilt is such a simple pieced quilt. Her blocks work so well together yet each one is individually special.

Koreen's quilt is another that the blocks are sewn together without a sashing, but they come together so well, they don't really need the sashing.

Kathleen of Kathleen McMusing used Island Batik fabrics for her quilt top. Batiks give her quilt such depth.

I love how each quilt is it's own quilt, even though the blocks are the same. If you loved these as much as I do, and want to make your own the 2020 Monthly Color Challenge has just begun. Find the January post HERE.

Happy Stitching!

New to Patterns By Jen?

2020 Monthly Color Challenge

Find paper, digital patterns, and Studio 180 Design rulers in my Etsy shop.

Find fun PBJ merchandise at Teespring

Join the Quilt and Learn with Patterns By Jen Facebook page.

Follow me on Instagram and Facebook for daily sneak peeks and updates.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

My "Word" for 2020

For 2020 I have chosen to focus on a word.

That word is "Breath."

As a wife, mom of 4, child care provider and quilt pattern designer there seems to always be something that NEEDS my attention, at least in my mind.

This means I always feel like I'm behind, always. It's not a fun place to be. So to try and keep the stress of perceived failure away I have chosen to "breath" and let go. I think I'm going to bring these images to mind while I breath, because nothing is more relaxing than time at the lake.

It is January 14 when I am writing this post, and I can tell you that so far, this has not happened. So I am putting it out in the blogging world to hold myself accountable.

If you see a post from me apologizing for being behind, remind me to just "breath."

Happy Stitching!

New to Patterns By Jen?

2020 Monthly Color Challenge

Find paper, digital patterns, and Studio 180 Design rulers in my Etsy shop.

Find fun PBJ merchandise at Teespring

Join the Quilt and Learn with Patterns By Jen Facebook page.

Follow me on Instagram and Facebook for daily sneak peeks and updates.

Friday, January 10, 2020

2020 Quilt Alongs and BOM from the Color Challenge Bloggers

It's a new year and what does that mean? It means quilters are looking for something new to start.

The bloggers that have joined the 2020 Monthly Color Challenge are a talented group of quilters and many of them have fun quilting programs for you to join.

Do you like veggies? Even if you don't I think you will enjoy 

Who doesn't love a good Patriotic Quilt and/or a mystery?

Becca is hosting her first Quilt Along

Introducing another "first quilt along host" Claudia.

Need a modern fix?

Do you have a stash you would like to work through, but you aren't sure how?

The Inventory Quilt Sew Along may be just what you are looking for! Willow is hosting through Just Wanna Quilt, you can join the Facebook group.

Who's joining all of them?!

Happy Stitching!

New to Patterns By Jen?

2020 Monthly Color Challenge

Find paper, digital patterns, and Studio 180 Design rulers in my Etsy shop.

Find fun PBJ merchandise at Teespring

Join the Quilt and Learn with Patterns By Jen Facebook page.

Follow me on Instagram and Facebook for daily sneak peeks and updates.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Relish - Make Modern Issue 32

Today is the day!

I'm excited to introduce you to my newest design in Make Modern Magazine.

This post contains affiliate links throughout.

If you haven't heard of Make Modern Magazine before, it is a digital magazine out of Australia. it is so full of amazing designs and articles. This issue includes information on the block swap: Smash that Stash 2020.

Relish is my second design accepted into Make Modern. You can find it in the newest issue just released from Make Modern, Issue 32.

One block equals one great quilt. Get Issue 32 HERE.
Happy Stitching!

New to Patterns By Jen?

2020 Monthly Color Challenge

Find paper, digital patterns, and Studio 180 Design rulers in my Etsy shop.

Find fun PBJ merchandise at Teespring

Join the Quilt and Learn with Patterns By Jen Facebook page.

Follow me on Instagram and Facebook for daily sneak peeks and updates.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Quilt Tops Call!

It's almost time to celebrate our 2019 Monthly Color Challenge quilt tops!

If you have a Color Challenge top you want to show off to the quilting world you just need to email a picture of it to me. I will add it to the 2019 Monthly Color Challenge Quilt Party post coming January 15th.

The top does NOT have to be quilted, a flimsy is just fine.

Send a picture along with your first name (not all email address have your name, so please let me know who is sending the picture) and if you want State and/or Country. I'll accept pictures through January 14th, 7PM CST.

Send your picture to: jen(at)patternsbyjen(dot)com
Subject: Quilt Party

Then look for it January 15th! I've loved seeing your tops come together and I'm so excited to share them with others.

Happy Stitching!

New to Patterns By Jen?

2020 Monthly Color Challenge

Find paper, digital patterns, and Studio 180 Design rulers in my Etsy shop.

Find fun PBJ merchandise at Teespring

Join the Quilt and Learn with Patterns By Jen Facebook page.

Follow me on Instagram and Facebook for daily sneak peeks and updates.