Monday, December 27, 2021

Introducing the 2022 Monthly Color Challenge Bloggers!

The Monthly Color Challenge Bloggers are an amazing, talented group of quilters who have given their time to join in the Color Challenge and make it even more amazing.

I'm not sure where all my hard tpyed words went to earlier, but here is the list of the amazingly talented bloggers. Thanks for coming to back to read it! 😊

There are many familiar faces in the list of bloggers, and I am so thankful they keep coming back to help make the Monthly Color Challenge so amazing. We are adding new faces as well so click through, bookmark their blogs, and enjoy meeting them all!

Find all of the details for the 2022 Monthly Color Challenge HERE.

"... looking for just the right fabric"

"My favorite part of the MCC quilting process is searching through my stash for a perfect color combination to fit each month’s theme"

"Piecing is my favourite. Quilting is my least favourite."

"It is hard to choose. But I am going to say quilting."

"Love cutting and piecing"

"I love piecing the blocks. Not the top. ðŸ˜‚"

Frances - Frances Quilts
"I love exploring the inspiration first and then picking the fabrics that match the inspiration."

"It's all fun. I think I like the design process best - choosing fabrics, figuring out placement."

"My favorite part of the process is choosing the fabrics and the backing, to step back and imagine it all together!"

"Fabric selection is my favorite part; there are so many beautiful ones to choose from!"

"My favorite part of the quilting process is piecing. I love feeling the fabric as it goes through the machine and seeing the quilt design emerge seam by seam."

"The quilting, always the quilting, adding that extra layer to complement the quilt and move it that next step closer to being finished and usable"

"My favorite part is doing the math within the pattern so I can be frugal in my fabric consumption, even though I always purchase extra."

New This Year! Each month the 2022 Monthly Color Challenge bloggers will be sharing their favorite quilts made in the color of the month. I look forward to being totally inspired by color all year long.

We will be making half-square triangles (HST), Flying Geese (FG), Square in a Square (SIS) blocks as well as some traditional four patch units. I like these specialty rulers for trimming these blocks. They are NOT required, but they definitely make trimming a little faster/easier.

Tucker Trimmer for HST
Wing Clipper for FG
Square Squared2 for SIS

You can find these in my Etsy shop HERE.

***Now through December 31, 2021***
Receive FREE SHIPPING on any ruler with code 22MCC

***Free shipping good for US residents only, International orders will receive $5 off their order once it's placed.***

To have the block sent directly to your email sign up HERE.

NOTE: If you signed up for the 2021 Monthly Color Challenge Emails you do NOT have to sign up again.

Make Something Extraordinary!


New to Patterns By Jen?

Find paper and digital patterns, gifts and more in my Etsy shop.

Find fun PBJ merchandise at Teespring

Join the Quilt and Learn with Patterns By Jen Facebook page.

Follow me on Instagram and Facebook for daily sneak peeks and updates.


Saturday, December 25, 2021

December 2021 Monthly Color Challenge Link Up

 It's the last link up of the year!

I hope this quick block was an enjoyable addition to your December activites.

You can follow #2021monthlycolorchallenge and #monthlycolorchallenge on Instagram to see the blocks as well.

Quarter 4  Sponsors

Bea Quilter - PDF pattern

Quilter Chic - PDF pattern

Make Modern Magazine - 6 month subscription

P&B Textiles - FQ bundle of "Fractured"*

Benartex - Fat Quarter Bundle*

Quilters Dream Batting - 60" square of 80/20 batting*

The Warm Co - 1 yard Insulbrite*

The Warm Co - 34 x 45 Warm and Natural Needled Cotton*

Appliques, Quilts and More - $10 store gift certificate

Daybrook Designs - 2 PDF patterns

Patterns By Jen - Deb Tucker's Wing Clipper®*

The Link Up is open through December 31. If you have a problem linking up, please use the "question mark" button next to the log out button. If you are trying from your phone, try it from a laptop/tablet if you have one.

Good luck and thank you for stitching along with me!

Missed the block? Find it here!

Make something Extraordinary!


New to Patterns By Jen?

Don't forget to sign up for the Bites of PBJ newsletter while you are here!

Find paper and digital patterns in my Etsy shop.

Find fun PBJ merchandise at Teespring

Join the Quilt and Learn with Patterns By Jen Facebook page.

Follow me on Instagram and Facebook for daily sneak peeks and updates.

Thursday, December 16, 2021

Announcing the 2022 Monthly Color Challenge!

 The 2022 Monthly Color Challenge is here!!!

Affiliate Disclosure: This post contains Affiliate Links. When purchases are made through these links I receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Your purchases help support my small business and keep my husband's head from exploding every time a new quilting notion arrives in our mailbox. Thank you for that. Find out more about Affiliate Links Here.

This year the theme is "Spicy." I was pleasantly surprised by the variety of colors found in spices and I am looking forward to sharing the blocks inspired by their colors with you. This is the 5th year for the Monthly Color Challenge and it just keeps getting better. Read on to get all the details!

2022 Monthly Color Challenge Colors

Quilts of Color

This year the Color Challenge Bloggers will be sharing quilts they have made using the color of the month. Get ready to be INSPIRED!

How much fabric do I need?

The general rule is a fat quarter of light and a fat quarter of dark will be enough. This year there will be two sizes to choose from again, 12" finished block size and a 6" finished block size. You choose the one you want to do, or do both! This year, for those who might be interested in the 6" finished size blocks, but are wondering if they will be too hard, I'm dong a separate How-To video for each of the 6" blocks!

There is also the option to have all of the same background, instead of using the color for that month. If you are using the same background throughout the year you can download the cutting instructions for the background fabric HERE.

Blocks are available for free during the month. After the month has passed blocks are available for $1.

Do I *have* to use my stash?

No. If you want to go purchase some new fabrics to play with you are more than welcome to. *I* do, because I don't keep a stash. There may be colors you really don't have, maybe they aren't your favorite to work with, maybe they ARE your favorite, so they get used all the time and your stash is low on the color.

Here are a few bundles that I think would work for the Color Challenge.

The Garden Gatherings Coordinates fat quarter bundle needs a few added colors, but most of them are included here.

This Lower the Volume bundle of AGF Studios fabric has plenty of low volume fabrics if you would like a low volume background for your blocks.

Another low volume, but with a little color is the Christopher Thompson White Blossom fat quarter bundle.

The Lori Holt Bee Cross Stitch Bundle has most of the colors (need to add black and purple) and enough low volume fabrics for the year.

This Folktale bundle of Leila Boutique fabrics would make a fabulous quilt, you would just need to play around with the colors a bit.

Will there be a quilt layout?

Yes!  Early December the layout instructions are given to you and are free until the end of January. A bonus is that the layouts from the previous years work for the current year, so if you don't like the layout, you can find instructions for different versions in the Payhip Shop for only $1.

Here are the fabric requirements for the layouts coming in December.

I'm a total beginner, should I even try?

Definitely! This is the perfect time to join! Each block is beginner friendly AND comes with a "how-to" video linked right in the instructions.  The Quilt and Learn with Patterns By Jen Facebook group is full of helpful quilters, too, so make sure you join and ask any questions you may have.

To get started I recommend you check out the link  Beginners Unite. A post that has great information and "how-tos" for beginners.

What supplies do I need?

You will need all the pretty fabric colors listed above, a cutting mat, rotary cutter, rulers, fabric marking tool, pins, and an iron.

We will be making half-square triangles (HST), Flying Geese (FG), Square in a Square (SIS) blocks as well as some traditional four patch units. I like these specialty rulers for trimming these blocks. They are NOT required, but they definitely make trimming a little faster/easier.

Tucker Trimmer for HST
Wing Clipper for FG
Square Squared2 for SIS

You can find these in my Etsy shop HERE.

***Now through December 31, 2020***
Receive FREE SHIPPING on any ruler with code 22MCC

***Free shipping good for US residents only, International orders will receive $5 off their order once it's placed.***

To have the block sent directly to your email sign up HERE.

NOTE: If you signed up for the 2021 Monthly Color Challenge Emails you do NOT have to sign up again.

Start looking through your stash then come back for:

Meet the bloggers! December 27th

Happy Stitching!

New to Patterns By Jen?

Find paper and digital patterns, gifts and more in my Etsy shop.

Find fun PBJ merchandise at Teespring

Join the Quilt and Learn with Patterns By Jen Facebook page.

Follow me on Instagram and Facebook for daily sneak peeks and updates.

Saturday, December 4, 2021

2021 Monthly Color Challenge Finish!

We've reached the end. Of the 2021 Monthly Color Challenge that is!

This year I went with a very simple finish, I think we all deserve that.

Strip piecing (and following those pressing directions 😉😉) help the quilt come together quickly. I switched around the colors in the sashing for this quilt and I love how the dark shows off the blocks.

I love this version using Benartex Superior Solids. The colors just pop out of the background.

I had fun with the smaller version of the Monthly Color Challenge quilt and used up even more scraps in the sashing. The purple border really helped to settle this very colorful version down.

Ready to get your finishing instructions? You can find them (for free through January 31, 2022) in my Patterns By Jen Payhip shop. If you have signed up for email notifications you will find it in your inbox.

The layouts for the past Monthly Color Challenges can also be found in the Payhip shop if you are looking for a different finish. They all work for these blocks and are just $1.

Look for the 2022 Monthly Color Challenge Announcement next week!
Thank you for stitching along with me this year.

Make something extraordinary!


New to Patterns By Jen?

Don't forget to sign up for the Bites of PBJ newsletter while you are here for early releases and sales just for subscribers!

Find paper and digital patterns in my Etsy shop.

Find fun PBJ merchandise at Teespring

Join the Quilt and Learn with Patterns By Jen Facebook page.

Follow me on Instagram and Facebook for daily sneak peeks and updates.

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

December 2021 Monthly Color Challenge

Here it is, the last month of the year which means the last month of the 2021 Monthly Color Challenge. I'm feeling a little bit verklempt. . .

I tried to keep this block simple as well as we put our heads down and dig in on those last gifts. Don't forget to come up for air and some family time, though. PS It's also my birthday this month, so keep an eye out for the annual birthday bash sale.

Olive is one of my all time favorite greens, so of course I had to have it for my birthday month. I have two greens in my little stash, lime and olive. They don't exactly go together, but they work well with others. 😉

**Though the block is "easy" there is a How To Video included in the instructions.**

December Bloggers

Kris - Scrap Dash

Kate - Katie Mae Quilts

Wendy - Pieceful Thoughts

Raylee - Sunflower Stitcheries and Quilting

Andi - True Blue Quilts

Crystal - Daybrook Designs

Ashli - Quilt 2 End Alz

This year two block sizes are offered, you can choose to make the 12" finished blocks or the 6" finished blocks, or both!

Quarter 4  Sponsors

There's a new group of sponsors! The Monthly Color Challenge has a great group of sponsors who have given generously to make this year an amazing year for you. Winners are chosen quarterly; April 1, July 1, Oct 1 and Jan 1, 2022. To enter you simply add your block to the Link Up at the end of each month. One entry per quilter and it needs to be the block from the current month. Finish each month and you will have 3 entries each quarter!

Bea Quilter - PDF pattern

Quilter Chic - PDF pattern

Make Modern Magazine - 6 month subscription

P&B Textiles - FQ bundle of "Fractured"*

Benartex - Fat Quarter Bundle*

Quilters Dream Batting - 60" square of 80/20 batting*

The Warm Co - 1 yard Insulbrite*

The Warm Co - 34 x 45 Warm and Natural Needled Cotton*

Appliques, Quilts and More - $10 store gift certificate

Daybrook Designs - 2 PDF patterns

Patterns By Jen - Deb Tucker's Wing Clipper®*


Here are a few tips for piecing accuracy.

My favorite marking tool for dark fabrics is the Bohin France White pencil.

Offset your ruler just a bit to make your marks more accurate.

When sewing the HST units together to make the hourglass units, pin the corners to keep the seam allowance nested.

Sew carefully so the seams don't get pushed over.

That's it! December is done! 

Ready to get the pattern? Go to Payhip and download it now! The block is free for the month of December!

To have the 2022 Monthly Color Challenge blocks sent directly to your email sign up HERE.

It's too late to have the 2021 Monthly Color Challenge blocks emailed to you but you can download them from Payhip.

Make something Extraordinary!


New to Patterns By Jen?

Don't forget to sign up for the Bites of PBJ newsletter while you are here for early releases and sales just for subscribers!

Find paper and digital patterns in my Etsy shop.

Find fun PBJ merchandise at Teespring

Join the Quilt and Learn with Patterns By Jen Facebook page.

Follow me on Instagram and Facebook for daily sneak peeks and updates.